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Major Reasons Why You Should Start Rainwater Harvesting Today

by | Mar 17, 2021 | Technology

Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rain for later use. It is one of the simplest and oldest techniques of self-sufficiency in water and its conservation. With the increasing awareness on its sustainable impact, this technique is gaining more importance among us. Systems to do it range from simple rain barrels to more elaborate structures with pumps, tanks and purification system.

Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting

You save money when you do rainwater harvesting. It is absolutely free source of relatively clean water. Wasteful use of potable water can be avoided. Substantially free of salinity and other salts, it helps in the availability of potable water when treated properly. Total control of your water supply becomes possible for you. Drainage problems in your property can also be solved with it. These are just among the many reasons why rainwater harvesting is important for all of us.

Uses of Rainwater

You can essentially use rainwater for several non-potable purposes. You can use it for washing and cleaning your vehicles, driveways and other parts of your house or property. Use it for flushing your toilets. It is better for plants, gardens and lawns because it is not chlorinated. When properly collected and stored or treated, you can have more uses of rainwater including those for human consumption.


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